Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka

President to conduct a comprehensive analysis of all open information correlated to the Easter attack

  • A committee chaired by a retired Supreme Court judge to inquire into the allegations made by Channel 4.
  • A Parliamentary Select Committee to be appointed to address allegations by former Attorney General.

In a determined effort to seek truth and justice following the tragic Easter Sunday bombings of 2019, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has taken a significant step by appointing a committee, led by a retired Supreme Court judge. This committee’s primary mission is to investigate the serious allegations recently brought to light by Channel 4 in a broadcast video.

The allegations have added fuel to the fire, as a former Attorney General has made similar claims, suggesting the existence of a mastermind behind the devastating Easter bomb attack. To address these concerns comprehensively, the government is poised to establish a Parliamentary Select Committee specifically to probe these disturbing assertions.

The gravity of the situation has prompted the President to ensure a thorough review of all available information. As part of this process, the two forthcoming reports will be presented to the Parliament, along with the existing Parliamentary Select Committee report on the Easter bomb attack and the Presidential Commission report on the same tragic event. This comprehensive approach is aimed at providing lawmakers with a comprehensive understanding of the situation, paving the way for well-informed and decisive actions.

It is essential to recall that Sri Lanka was plunged into sorrow on April 21, 2019, when a series of deadly blasts rocked the nation. Eight devastating explosions occurred in and around the capital city of Colombo, targeting churches filled with worshippers celebrating Easter, as well as luxury hotels. This series of coordinated Islamic terrorist suicide bombings left 269 innocent lives lost and nearly 500 individuals severely injured.

As the nation grapples with the legacy of this tragic event, President Wickremesinghe’s actions represent a determined effort to uncover the truth and ensure accountability in the face of grave allegations. The path to justice for the victims and their families remains at the forefront of the government’s agenda as these critical investigations unfold.

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