Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka

Call for applications to identify those eligible for welfare benefit payments, ends today

The Welfare Benefits Board announced that the call for applications for the program to identify those who are eligible to receive welfare benefit payments, implemented on the directives of President Ranil Wickremesinghe under the theme “Don’t let anyone be left out”, has now ended effective from today (28).

According to the Welfare Benefits Board, the details of 2.4 million applicants who had applied for state welfare benefits are currently registered in the Welfare Benefits Data System.

The information of around 70% of the target community has been fed into the system, the remaining 30% of the applications have been filed in the Divisional Secretariat Offices, and all the Divisional Secretaries are currently working to feed them into the system as soon as possible.

The Welfare Benefits Board stated that the second phase of the program, which is the information census to be conducted at the homes of the applicants, is scheduled to commence in November.

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