Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka

Negotiations between Govt. and IMF highly successful…

The government has made significant progress in negotiation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with the objective of obtaining the assistance of the IMF to alleviate the economic issues and establish good economic practices in the country.

In order to have constructive and productive discussions with the International Monetary Fund, a conclusive plan on debt sustainability should be presented. It was hampered due to the recent political instability in the country and the political policy of the preceding government of not working with the International Monetary Fund.

At present, a politically stable government has been formed under President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Furthermore, the political negotiations to form an all-party government are highly successful. In this context, it is the government’s position that the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund can be successfully concluded and the first step necessary to create financial stability can be taken.

President’s Media Division

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