Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka

Start growing food crops on all underutilized lands owned by plantation companies – President instructs

  • Tea auctions to be conducted in US dollars
  • Priority in providing fuel for the needs of the plantation sector
  • Plans to provide fertilizer for all plantation crops …

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has instructed to identify all underutilized lands owned by plantation companies and prepare an expeditious programme to cultivate food crops.

Plantation companies own more than 9,000 hectares of uncultivated land. The President pointed out the need to identify suitable crops for cultivation in respective estates owned by 23 companies.

The President made these remarks at a discussion held at the President’s House, Colombo, yesterday (03) regarding the challenges facing the plantation sector.

The foreign exchange earned by the country from tea exports should be maintained in a transparent manner. The President said that the possibility of conducting the tea auction in US dollars should be explored immediately.

The need for a formal fuel supply programme for factories and other needs in the plantation sector was discussed in detail. It was decided to give priority to releasing fuel from designated filling stations to factory owners with the recommendation of the Ministry or the Divisional Secretary.

Farmers are now receiving the highest prices in history for tea, rubber, coconut and export crops.

Minister Ramesh Pathirana, President’s Chief of Staff Anura Dissanayake, Secretary to the Ministry B.L.A.G. Mr. Dharmakeerthi and Heads of line ministries were also present at the discussion.

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