Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka

It is the duty and responsibility of people to support President’s future plans -Ven. Ethalawetunawewa Gnanatilake Thera

It is the duty and responsibility of all to support the future plans of the President who saved the people from an unknown pandemic and twice gave them the freedom to live, the Chancellor of the Rajarata University, the Chief Incumbent of the Mirisawetiya Vihara, Ven. Ethalawetunawewa Gnanatilake Thera said.

The Thera expressed these views when President Gotabaya Rajapaksa called on the Chief Incumbent of the Mirisawetiya this morning (08).

The country was facing an enormous debt burden. However, the Thera pointed out that managing all these conditions and giving people the opportunity to live freely without the fear of pandemics is an example to the rest of the world. Ven. Gnanatilake Thera said that the President’s initiative has given the self-confidence needed to carry on with the daily life of the people under the ‘new normal’.

We must live with self-discipline and not allow the country to be placed under a lockdown again. The Thera also stressed that it is the duty and responsibility of all to assist the President in his efforts to move the country forward and out of the current crisis by managing the economy.

The President then visited the Lankarama Vihara where the Chief Incumbent Ven. Ralapanawe Dhammajothi Thera chanted Seth Pirith and blessed the President. The President briefed the Thera on the current situation in the country.

The President called on the Chief Incumbent of the Sri Sambuddha Jayanthi Vihara in Anuradhapura, Ven. Dr. Nugetenne Pagnananda Thera and received his blessings.

Noritake Tableware, one of the most sought after tableware in the world, is manufactured locally by a Japanese company. After realising this potential, the government has taken steps to manufacture high quality tiles locally. During a meeting with the Jethawanaramaya Chief Incumbent Ven. Ihala Halmillewe Rathanapala Thera, the President said the local companies would be able to meet the local tile demand in the next year.

The President also briefed Ven. Rathanapala Thera on the measures taken to encourage farmers to use organic fertilizers.

 The President visited the Abhayagiri Vihara and called on the Chief Incumbent of the temple, Ven. Dr. Kallanchiye Rathanasiri Thera. The Thera pointed out the need for a development programme with a proper transport plan for the convenience of devotees and tourists visiting the Anuradhapura Sacred Site. The Rajarata region has 3,322 large, medium and small tanks. The Thera said that these tanks could be rehabilitated in order to get the contribution to the agrarian economy. Ven. Rathanasiri Thera also said that the Maha Sangha expects the President to take the right decisions at the right time.

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