Presidential Secretariat of Sri Lanka

Providing jobs for poorest of the poor begins on September 02

  • Job recipients  giving cash or any kind of bribe to any party will be a disqualification

 The Programme of providing 100,000 employment opportunities aimed at eradicating poverty will commence on September 02.

The objective of the Programme is to empower those who live in absolute poverty with no formal education and skills through the Multi-Purpose Development Task Force established by the government.

  • Job recipients are selected on the basis of the following criteria  
  • Unskilled workers who have no formal education or with education lower G.C.E. Ordinary Level examination.
  • Must be not less than 18 years of age and not more than 40 years of age on the closing date for applications.

Being unemployed member of a family eligible to receive Samurdhi benefits but does not receive it, or being a member of a family receiving Samurdhi benefits but unemployed.

  • Being an unemployed member of a family with elderly, sick parents or disabled members.
  • Be a permanent resident of the area of application.

Selection for training programme

  • One individual with above qualifications from one family will be considered.
  • Based upon available job opportunities in proximity to the applicant’s residence and his choice of field for training, his/her vocational program will be decided.
  • Training program will be conducted at the Training Centers in the same area of the applicant’s residence or at the nearby Training Centers
  • Following a successful training, the applicants will be employed in his/her area of residence or in nearby areas

Salary and Allowances

  • During 6-month continuous training programme a monthly allowance of Rs 22,500 will be paid. Following successful completion of the training program trainees will have the opportunity to be appointed to an accepted permanent government position in his own residence area with a non-primary skilled salary of Rs. 35,000 and allowances. After a satisfactory and uninterrupted career record of 10 years he/she will be eligible for pension.

Employments will ONLY be awarded based on above criteria and any form of bribery will result in immediate rejection of the job opportunity.

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